
Organizer of GCB'15

TU Dortmund
Computer Science XI
44221 Dortmund

Program Organizers of GCB'15

The program of the" German Conference on Bioinformatics 2015 (GCB'15) is organized by its steering committee, the Gemeinsame Fachgruppe Bioinformatik (FaBi) of the four societies

Local Contact

Dominik Kopczynski
Computer Science XI
TU Dortmund
44221 Dortmund, Germany
phone: +49 (231) 755-7743


Christopher Schröder
Chair of Genome Informatics
Institute of Human Genetics
University Hospital Essen
University of Duisburg-Essen
Hufelandstr. 55
45147 Essen, Germany
phone: +49 (201) 723-4046

Please contact the webmaster Christopher Schroeder by email ( if you discover errors on this website. Any error report is welcome!

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